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August 2006 Newsletter Images

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AIF newsletter
Pictorial Edition- Cyclone Larry, March 2006
Bringing you all the cyclone images from The Australian Insect Farm

Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. 9

Dam that creek: (All four images are of the same location).
Top left and right: note the rock that Brandy is standing on, now go to right and how the creek has changed, the same rock is upturned in the foreground.
Bottom left and right: note the large rock in the middle of the creek, this rock would stand around 9 feet tall; now to the right where it took one large tree to fall across the creek, resting on that large rock and forming a dam wall full of flood debris, approximately 18 feet tall.
Also of considerable notice is the loss of canopy cover over the creek, needless to say all creeks through the property are in the same condition.
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